To turn an article or a plain text into video for free online without watermark and sign up, follow this step-by-step guide

To make the content to video conversion process fast and easy, do not use timeline, layers, templates and others computer nerdy stuffs. text-to-video generator offers 2 conversion options. The first one to make your video from an HTML web page article and the second to transform any text into a great video with images. The main difference between a web page and plain text is that the HTML paragraph structure of the web page is preserved, so a bullet points list for instance will automatically be transformed into short sentences appearing word for word dynamically.

1st option : convert article from URL into a video

  • Start app
  • Paste the URL of the article [English language only] into the input field (CTRL+V or Command+V)
  • Enter the http://… URL by clicking on   
  • It takes a few seconds to load the text from the web page (sometimes more). For security reasons, certain websites block the import of the web page. In this case, go to 2nd option.
  • By default, the dimension of your recorded video is the same as the canvas size. The resolution is SD (standard definition), but you can choose a different format (Landscape/Portrait) and a different resolution (HD, 4K…) by clicking on
  • Change the color as you like   
  • Get a different font if you like   
  • The article’s text appears within an input form.
  • You can rewrite, edit the text and add or remove sentences, especially for some webpages truffled with advertisements and CTAs.
  • To summarize the text in a shorter story, move the slide cursor. This will again display a shorter text inside the input field that you can edit again.
  • Enter the final edited text by clicking on   
  • automatically detect keywords from the article and match a generic image to each of them. To upload your own images (Format : JPG, PNG, SVG, WebP) click on  upload image button works?  Just make sure to name your images exactly with words used in the web page article (exp : Tesla.png or John_Doe.png). To replace a generic image by your own image, use the same keyword provided by as file names (keyword1.png, Key_Word2.png…). only uses transparent images in PNG format. Use this format for your images to make the picture transition more esthetic.
  • Optionally you can add a music soundtrack to your video, click on  background music
  • To start the article to video generation, click on record   
  • The automatic video generation starts by displaying the text and images inside the canvas. During this process, the text is displayed with short sentences (less or equal to 12 words) appearing one word at a time with sometimes kinetic typography effects and long paragraphs as scrolling text. Do not leave the page and wait until the end of the URL-to-video conversion.
  • When the URL page to video conversion is finished, the video “” is automatically downloaded.  
2nd option : turn plain text into video
  • Start app
  • Paste your text [English language only] into the input field (CTRL+V or Command+V).
  • Enter the plain text 
  • By default, the format of your recorded video is the same as the canvas size. The resolution is SD (standard definition), but you can choose a different dimension (Landscape/Portrait) and a different resolution (HD, 4K…) by clicking on 
  • Change the color as you like
  • Change the font as you like 
  • The text is displayed inside an input field.
  • You can edit the text and add or remove sentences.
  • To summarize the text, move the slide cursor. You will get a shorter text in an input field that you can continue to edit.
  • Enter the final edited text   
  • automatically detect keywords from the text and match a generic image to each of them. To upload your own images (Format : JPG, PNG, SVG, WebP) click on   upload image button works?  Just make sure to name your images with words used in the text (exp: Myproductname.png or Eiffel_Tower.png). To replace a generic image by your own image, use the same keyword provided by as file names (keyword1.png, Key_Word2.png…).
  • To add a music soundtrack, click on   background music
  • To start the article to video conversion,  click on record   
  • The automatic text-to-video conversion process starts by displaying the text, wait until the end.  During this process, the text is displayed with short sentences (Maximum 12 words) appearing one word at a time with or without kinetic typography effect and long phrases (>12 words)  as scrolling text.
  • When the text-to-video conversion is ended, the video “” is automatically downloaded.
Case studies

How to make a Video Sale Letter online for free

Transform a bullet point list or a numbered list into a video

How to create a TOP 10 list video for free

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